Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Mystique of Attitude

  Webster defines at`ti`tude as a matter of acting, feeling or thinking that shows one's disposition or opinion. Notice attitude is a thought process that follows a predetermined mind set of one's own choosing. An attitude also becomes revealing of someone's belief system, of either hope or hopelessness. What is most surprising is the experiences of life do not affect one's attitude nearly as much, as their reponse or reaction to that experience in their past.
  An attitude is a filter placed upon our eyes and ears which will determine our answer long before the request or question is asked. This filter is a two-way mechanism, which can be used to keep out bad for protection or diffuse the good causing distortion. The filter is always there. How it is used will be determined by the choice of its master.
  In summary, it is a just filter. It hands out its reward to everyone fairly and consistantly-depending on your ATTITUDE!

1 comment:

  1. Attitude certainly does make the difference. If I change my attitude today, I will feel great tomorrow because all my thoughts I am thinking now make up what I think tomorrow. Thank you for your thoughts on attitude!
